The Surgeon's Family Wish Read online

Page 4

  ‘What? In spite of having to listen to my problems and then having my mother follow them up with her broad hints about my solitary state? For all she knew, you might be married or already have someone in your life. Have you?’

  His tone had been apologetic, but that last question had come like a bullet from a gun, as if her answer was going to matter.

  ‘No. I haven’t,’ she told him, not knowing whether to be annoyed or amused at the question. ‘I’m not married, engaged, in a partnership or anything else. Being alone has its advantages. I’m free to do whatever I please.’

  ‘But you haven’t always been alone, have you?’ he asked, amazed how relieved he was to know she was free.

  ‘No. I haven’t. But I am now.’

  Aaron said no more. There was something in the tone of her voice that told him not to pursue it. Instead, he asked in a lighter tone. ‘Well? Are you going to ask me in?’

  She smiled. ‘No. I’m not. I know you’re bursting to see the inside of my rabbit hutch, but I don’t think it would be a good idea.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because you have some preconceived idea that it’s going to be dreadful.’

  ‘Right, then. I’d better be off. Have a nice weekend, Annabel,’ he said, adding with a boyish grin that was oddly appealing. ‘Keep taking the vitamins.’

  As she was opening the passenger door of the car he leaned across and kissed her lightly on the cheek. As she gazed at him in surprise he said, ‘Just a kiss between friends. Nothing to do with the marriage market.’ And leaving her standing beside the door of the accommodation complex he drove off.

  * * *

  She’d seen another side to Aaron tonight, Annabel told herself as she lay on her hard single bed in the flat’s bedroom. The brisk mantle of efficiency that he wore at Barnaby’s had fallen from his shoulders and he’d let her see that he had his problems just like anyone else.

  It was a terrible thing that had happened to his family. He and Mary had both suffered a double tragedy. Aaron had lost his wife and father and his mother her husband and daughter-in-law.

  They’d been taken from them in a matter of minutes and he must have wished a thousand times that he’d never gone back to the hotel. But as they were both well aware, lots of people would do lots of things differently if they could see into the future.

  If she’d known the misery she was letting herself in for when she’d been attracted by a lazy smile and an even lazier accent, she would have behaved differently. Husband-stealer she was not, and Randy had shown himself to be much less of a man than she’d thought he was when it had all come out.

  It was strange how one man could deceive his wife without batting an eyelid and another should still be grieving for a woman who had died four long years ago.

  Yet that was how it was. Aaron had made it painfully plain that he had no designs on her. To such an extent that she almost wished he had.

  She sympathised with his mother’s efforts on his behalf but he shouldn’t be put in the humiliating position of advertising for a wife. It was a cold-blooded procedure and although he had barely touched her, something told her that when Aaron took a new wife, if he ever did, there would be nothing cold-blooded about it.


  IF HE’D been light-hearted back there at the flats Aaron was not so as he drove home. Annabel wasn’t the only one thinking it had been an unsettling evening. He felt that they’d all behaved out of character except Lucy.

  For his own part, his interest in the doctor who’d saved Lucy’s life had increased rather than diminished while she’d been their guest. He’d seen her in a new light. For one thing, she’d taken trouble with her appearance. He didn’t flatter himself that it had been on his account, but it had certainly registered, and for another, he’d admired the dignified brevity with which she’d described her family life while within the loving circle that was his.

  Annabel had been like a flower opening up before his eyes and he hoped that she wouldn’t have closed up again when they met on the wards at Barnaby’s on Monday.

  He’d had no intention of burdening her with his past and present griefs, but Lucy and his mother had set the ball rolling and he’d had to say something. Once he’d started it had been oddly comforting to be talking to an outsider who’d listened with sympathy and understanding, while making no demands on him.

  And an ‘outsider’ Annabel must have certainly felt when he’d been so keen to emphasise that she’d been there merely in the role of someone to whom thanks were due. She must have thought him tactless and rude, though she’d shown no sign of it.

  And then there’d been his mother! Sounding Annabel out and showing how anxious she was for him to find himself another wife, when he had no such intentions. It wasn’t like her. She was the kindest and most thoughtful of mortals. But something had got into her and they were going to have to talk it through.

  All was silent as he let himself back into the house and as he stripped off and flung himself on top of the covers of his bed Annabel’s face kept coming to mind.

  ‘No. I haven’t got anyone in my life,’ she’d told him back there in the car, and he’d known immediately that that hadn’t always been the case. Had it been a past relationship that had taken the colour from her cheeks?

  Whatever it was, he had a strong feeling that if he’d become more interested in her during the evening, his mother’s comments would have put the flattener on any stirrings Annabel might have been experiencing. If she gave him a wide berth on Monday morning, he wouldn’t be surprised...

  * * *

  But he was to see her again before Monday. On Saturday afternoon Aaron took Lucy into the town for some new shoes, and as they were leaving the shop he saw Annabel cross the road, looking in the window of an estate agent.

  ‘We meet again,’ he said from behind her a few seconds later, and she swung round in surprise.

  ‘Yes, we do,’ she agreed, adding with a special smile for Lucy, who was fishing her new shoes out of the bag for her to see, ‘You’ll be surprised to see that I’m looking at property.’

  ‘Yes. What has prompted that?’

  She had a smile for him now and Aaron thought if she had been upset the night before it obviously hadn’t persisted.

  ‘What do you think?’ she replied. ‘Going back to the flat after spending the evening in your palatial residence.’

  ‘Really? So last night did do you some good.’

  She could have told him that she’d also woken up feeling ready to face the day, which had to be a step in the right direction, and that the carrier bag she was holding held some smart new clothes. But it wouldn’t do for Aaron to think he’d had that much influence on her.

  Lucy was dangling a pair of black school shoes under her nose and Annabel bent to admire them.

  ‘So do I take it that you’ll soon be going back to school?’ she said as eyes blue as the sky looked up into hers.

  ‘Yes,’ Lucy said. ‘On Monday. I’ve been away a long time. I’ll be behind in my work and all my friends will have forgotten me.’

  ‘I’ve told Lucy that the teacher knows she had a nasty accident and won’t expect her to catch up straight away,’ Aaron said gravely as his eyes met hers above Lucy’s blonde head.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Annabel agreed, ‘and I’m sure that your friends won’t have forgotten you. I imagine that they all think you very brave having such a serious operation and coming back to school looking just the same as before.’

  ‘Can I tell them that the doctor who mended my head is my friend?’

  ‘Er...yes, by all means,’ Annabel said, aware of the amusement in Aaron’s dark eyes. She watched it change to surprise as she suggested, ‘Maybe we could take Lucy’s class on a tour of the hospital. It would increase her standing and they would know what to expect if ever any of them have to be admitted.’

  ‘Good thinking!’ he exclaimed. ‘I’m sure that she would love to show them where you ‘‘mended’
’ her head. But getting back to your house-hunting. Have you seen anything that appeals to you?’

  ‘Not yet. I’d like something small and classy with open views.’

  ‘There’s a small coach house for sale next door to my place,’ he said. ‘It isn’t cheap, but it’s certainly classy.’

  He could have gone on to say, It belongs to a friend of mine who spends a lot of time abroad. When he’s away I show prospective buyers round. But he was already wishing he hadn’t spoken.

  For one thing his mother would be sure to read something into the suggestion, even though it had been totally spontaneous, and Annabel also might think it came from what had been said the previous evening. So instead he followed it up with, ‘Though on second thoughts I think it would be too big for you.’

  ‘No harm in having a look though, is there?’ she said with her newfound enthusiasm carrying her along.

  ‘No. I suppose not,’ he agreed reluctantly. ‘You could ring the agent and ask for a viewing.’

  ‘Supposing I like it,’ she said slowly, aware that he was having second thoughts, ‘how would you feel having me living next door? Seeing me all day at the hospital and having me almost on your doorstep for the rest of the time.’

  ‘It wouldn’t bother me,’ he replied unconvincingly. ‘There’s a high hedge between the two properties and we don’t see much of the present owner.’

  ‘That’s because Uncle Richard is always away,’ Lucy chipped in. ‘Why can’t you show Annabel round his house, Daddy? Like you do with all the other people?’

  Annabel had to hand it to him. Aaron had been caught out but he didn’t bat an eyelid. He merely said, ‘If Annabel wants to view Uncle Richard’s house, Lucy, she is better seeing it with someone she doesn’t know. I wouldn’t want to influence her.’

  ‘I think you already have,’ she told him coolly. ‘Maybe I’ll give it a miss after all.’

  She bent and kissed Lucy’s soft cheek.

  ‘I’ll be thinking of you on Monday,’ she told her. ‘I hope you have a good day and I won’t forget what I said about your class being shown round the hospital.’

  For her father Annabel had a curt nod.

  ‘I’ll be seeing you, Aaron,’ she said, and he knew from the tone of her voice that it was more of a threat than a promise.

  You certainly handled that well, he told himself as he walked Lucy back to the car. It was your suggestion that Annabel look at Richard’s house, but the words were barely out of your mouth before you were backing off. Go on at this rate and she’ll be thinking she’s got something catching. If you wanted to put her off you made a first-class job of it. For someone who always knows exactly where he’s heading, you’re acting like an indecisive ditherer.

  * * *

  It was Sunday afternoon and a boisterous wind was lifting the dead leaves in the garden of the house next door as Aaron stared thoughtfully through his study window.

  Richard Clements, who lived there, was a television producer and often away. He would appear out of the blue, then a couple of days later be off on his travels again.

  He was unmarried, which Aaron often thought was just as well. For any woman he took up with would be left alone for long periods while he was working. Yet he always seemed to have some female company around when he came home for one of his brief stays.

  The winter dusk was falling and as Aaron was about to turn away the lights came on suddenly next door. His eyes widened when he saw Richard framed in the window opposite and with him, of all people, was Annabel.

  So he hadn’t put her off, he thought incredulously. She was doing the opposite to what he’d expected, viewing Richard’s house. If the russet-haired charmer who was his friend and neighbour was on his usual form, she would be eating out of his hand.

  And what if she was? It was nothing to do with him. After the way he’d behaved the previous day she probably thought he had a hidden agenda regarding the place himself, and didn’t want her muscling in. And with that thought in mind she’d arranged to view the property, just to let him see that she was not to be manipulated.

  He was right about that. Talk about keep away from me and mine, Annabel had thought as he’d disappeared amongst the Saturday shoppers with Lucy holding tightly to his hand. She’d decided to arrange a viewing of the house next to his to let him see she had a mind of her own. With the thought had come the deed.

  And now here she was being shown round by its owner, who had explained that he’d returned from France an hour ago and would soon be off again.

  ‘That’s why I’m selling,’ Richard Clements was saying as he led the way to the upper floor of the coach house. ‘I’m too much of a rolling stone to have a place like this left empty.’

  ‘It’s a beautiful house,’ she murmured. ‘A colleague of mine lives next door.’

  ‘Aaron, you mean?’ he exclaimed in surprise. ‘So what are you? A nurse? Doctor?’

  ‘I’m a paediatric surgeon.’

  ‘And how well do you know him?’

  ‘Not well at all,’ she told him with feeling, and changed the subject by asking when he could move out if she was interested.

  He shrugged.

  ‘Whenever. Once I get a buyer I’ll fit in with them.’

  When the tour of the house was over Annabel said, ‘Thanks for showing me round, Mr Clements. If I’m interested I’ll get in touch with the agent.’

  ‘Sure,’ he said easily. ‘Or tell Aaron. He knows how to get in touch with me if I’m not around. You and he aren’t an item are you?’

  ‘No. Certainly not.’

  ‘Right, then. So do you fancy coming to have dinner with me? I’m starving.’

  ‘No, thanks. I have another couple of properties to view.’

  It wasn’t strictly true. She had made arrangements to see two other houses, but not that afternoon. She was refusing because this man was a confident charmer and she’d had her fill of that type. Also, she was beginning to feel a bit guilty. What would Aaron think when he knew she’d been shown round this place after he’d tried to discourage her?

  That she had a mind of her own maybe.

  * * *

  On Monday morning Aaron received a cool greeting from Annabel when they met on the wards and he countered with, ‘I saw you viewing Richard Clements’s house yesterday. What did you think of it?’

  ‘Very nice.’


  ‘And nothing. I’ve got others to see in different areas. He was very pleasant—charming, in fact.’

  ‘Yes. Rick is a nice guy,’ he agreed, wishing once again that he’d never mentioned the house next door. The last thing Annabel needed was a seasoned ladies’ man like his friend.

  But that was only his opinion. Maybe she had other ideas and if she had, what had it got to do with him? Yet he was peeved. It was typical of the life he led that he should be fighting shy of any new commitments, while his friend wouldn’t hesitate to proposition Annabel within minutes of meeting if the mood took him.

  ‘It’s a wonder he didn’t ask you out. Richard doesn’t let the grass grow under his feet,’ he told her with a facial contortion meant to be a smile.

  ‘He did,’ she said casually, as if she saw nothing strange in it.

  He tutted.

  ‘I might have known.’

  Without further comment he led the way to their first patient of the day. Teenager Oliver Thomas was being prepared for his neurosurgery, which would hopefully reduce his convulsions.

  Charles Drury had come to join them as he would be in charge of the operation, with Annabel and Mark Lafferty assisting.

  When Aaron had suggested the operation to the boy’s parents he’d had to warn them that there would be no guarantee of success. Yet they’d still told him to go ahead as the frequency of the convulsions and Oliver’s violence towards anyone near him when they occurred was creating a situation that was unbearable for all concerned.

  And now it was the day of his operation and his mother and fathe
r would have many anxious hours of waiting ahead of them, which might end with an improvement in Oliver’s condition, or the boy being in a worse state than before...

  When they stopped at the next bed Aaron said in a low voice, ‘We have ALD here. It’s rare, genetic and often incurable, as we all know. The family are devastated, needless to say. I saw young Jack here in my clinic. His GP had sent him to me with severe vomiting, low blood-sugar levels and periods of unconsciousness. We did some tests, discovered that the adrenal glands weren’t working properly and diagnosed adrenoleukodystrophy.

  ‘You’ll maybe remember the film Lorenzo’s Oil where the parents never gave up trying to find a cure for their son who had this same genetic disorder. Eventually they found a combination of oils that lowered the fatty acids in the blood, which is vital in delaying the progression of ALD.

  ‘The medical profession has never been sure whether it works or not, but the couple in the film were adamant that their son did show some improvement, and though it was many years ago, as far as I know he’s still alive.

  ‘When the illness has been diagnosed in its early stage, a bone-marrow transplant has been an option and I think we should consider it in Jack’s case, if we can find a suitable donor. In the meantime, I’m putting my faith in Lorenzo’s Oil.’

  Charles Drury nodded.

  ‘We’re keeping him under close observation at the moment,’ Aaron told them, and with a smile for the boy and a gentle pat on the head, they moved on to the next bed.

  Aaron was aware of Annabel’s gaze on him and it was softer than it had been during their earlier greeting. If he couldn’t get it right in their private lives, at least they were in tune here at Barnaby’s, he thought with spirits lifting.

  * * *

  As the day took its course Oliver was taken down to Theatre with a last hug for his anxious parents and then the waiting began.

  As the surgical team scrubbed up Annabel was tense and totally focused. She’d specialised in paediatric neurological problems, but the decision to operate had been made by Aaron and Charles Drury before she’d come to Barnaby’s and the main anxiety was going to rest on their shoulders.